Watch the second leg of the UEFA Europa League 2nd qualification round between TPS and Cercle Bruges live on TPS TV! The broadcast starts at 7.00 pm local time (6.00 pm Belgian time). Below can be found the instructions to purchase the live stream.
To watch TPS-Cercle Bruges match live, go to and choose ”TPS TV” from the bottom right corner. The match can be found by selecting ”LIVE” from the toolbar on the left and choosing the match in question by clicking it. The match can also be found by clicking here.
The name of the match and the price (6 €) of the live stream appear now on the TPS TV screen. Below these are three buttons, choose the one that says ”In English”. You will now have the same buttons in English in front of you. Click the ”buy a ticket” button to purchase the live stream. Instructions will now appear on the screen. To advance, type your email to the correct field and press ”continue”.
You will now be transferred to Camtenna’s site, which acts as the payment recipient. You can see the payment details on the upper left corner. To place the order, select the desired payment method. For this, you will need a credit card. Visa and Mastercard are accepted. Choose this payment method. Now, give your credit card number, the validity date and your card verification code and accept the payment.
After payment the activation code will be send to the email address you gave at the start of the order. Please check that the email has not gone to your spambox. To watch the game, all you have to do now is to go back to the match on TPS TV (TPS TV –> LIVE –> TPS-Cercle Brugge –> In English), click the button ”enter your code” and feed the activation code you received to the empty field. After this, click ”continue” and the match will appear on the screen. Please note that the broadcast starts only when the match begins.
The broadcast is a 3-camera production with a Finnish commentator. The price of the live stream is 6 euros and it’s only for private use. To be able to buy and watch the game, you should have a credit card (MasterCard or Visa) to make the payment and an internet connection of a minimum of 1 Mega.